In this tutorial we are going to cover the basics steps needed to config a VLC mediaplayer instance to accept connections over the local area network. This tutorial is created to help configure the VLCRemote application for Android.
This tutorial is created using Windows 7 and VLC 2.0.3
Step 1 of 5: show hidden files
We need to edit a configuration file of VLC, the .hosts file. This file is hidden so we first need to enable our Windows system to show hidden files and folders. This can be configured in the Control Panel:
Start > Control Panel > Search for Folder Options > Enable "show hidden files,.. > Apply
Step 2 of 5: edit the .hosts file
Now we should be able to see the hidden files. We will be editing the .hosts file to helps configure VLC to allow or deny certain IP-addresses. We need to edit this file with a text editor enhanced with administrator rights.
Texteditor > Right click > Run as Administrator
When the texteditor is open:
Menu > Open file > C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\lua\http\.hosts
Edit and save the file so the file looks like the following screenshot:
-> uncomment private addresses
Step 3 of 5: enable the web interface
If you already have VLC mediaplayer opened on your computer, you should restart it so the new configuration can be loaded. When VLC is reopened you can continue to activate the web interface of the VLC mediaplayer. This is achieved by clicking on a menu item in the view tab.
Menu > View > Add interface > Web
Step 4 of 5: determine the IP-address of VLC-host
Our VLC mediaplayer is ready to accept connections. Before we can test the web interface we should determine the IP-address of the computer hosting the VLC instance. This can be achieved by using the ipconfig command in the commandprompt.Start > search for "cmd" > open de cmd.exe
When cmd is opened > Type "ipconfig" > press enter
Step 5 of 5: test if the web interface is accessible
Now that we have our IP-address. It's time to test the web interface. Open a browser and browse to a webpage constructed out the following format:http://<ipaddres>:8080If a page gets loaded you are set to start using the VLCRemote application. You only need to fill in the IP-address in the application and add some songs to the playlist.
I hope the how-to guide was helpfull. If not please leave a comment below.
Enjoy VLCRemote!
How can I do if I don't have the ".hosts" file?? Thanks