The Ubuntu App Showdown deadline has passed. So the time has come to start a new project!
I teamed up with the same developer as the showdown competition, Lemaire Nick. Let's introduce the project by demonstrating some screenshots of the application in development.
Screenshot phone |
Screenshot tablet |
During my internship at Philips iLab in Leuven, I had the chance to discover the development possibilities of the VLC-platform created by VideoLan. One of the possibilities is the usage of the web interface via Http protocol. By using the web interface of VLC, a developer can control a VLC-instance on the local area network by invoking simple http requests.
Current features:
- Manuel connection wizard
- Playback control (play, pause, loop, shuffle etc.)
- Volume control
- Dynamic playlist
- Metadata processing
- Dynamic preferences
Future features
- Automatic connection wizard
- Gestures control
- Based on ICS-platform
- Created with Android design sources
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